Title : Welcome to ADV_ recruitment support.


Foreword : The HEADSHIP Programme, by THE ADV_, is a recruitment support service that works with; Headhunters, Human Resource (HR) and Recruitment Agencies to screen candidates for senior and executive roles for companies and organisations.

Q1. what is our process?

We enter the interview process the final stage of a shortlist of candidates.
As an experience, we provide a space for professionals to showcase their diverse ideas, cultural awareness and industry knowledge, where they can review and adjust their approach to unique situations or companies. At the end of the task, candidates will receive a grade based on their performance that can be used as a post-interview feedback document to showcase what leadership status they are currently positioned.

Q2. how do we work internally?

As a service delivered through human resource (HR) departments, we provide an opportunity for aspiring or established leadership to evaluate their performance holistically via our Individual Intelligence Report (I.I.R). Staff will be able to identify strengths and areas of development, as well as highlight insights to improve team building.

Q3. how do we work externally?

As a tool, we use our Performance Indicator* to support the assessment of current/future staff by evaluating their standard of execution, knowledge, positioning and tact via our 12x scenarios and 24x approaches, as a bonus screening process.


> THE ADV_ Performance Indicator

If you are interested in featuring on the Manoeuvres Talk Series, email hello@the-adv.com

Christopher Lutterodt-Quarcoo

Designer, Director & Consultant | Director of  THE ADV_


